We Believe

Just a few things you may want to know about our church.

What We Believe:

The Trinity of God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
The infallible and plenary verbal inspiration of the scriptures.
The Biblical account of creation as set for in Genesis 1.
The personality of Satan. He is the father of all evil.
The total depravity of man.
The virgin birth and deity of Jesus Christ.
The blood atonement for fallen man.
Christ’s bodily resurrection and ascension back to His father.
The person and work of the Holy Spirit.
Salvation is by grace through faith. It is not of works.
Baptism by immersion of believers by the scriptural authority, the Church.
The Lord’s Supper administered to believers only and in scriptural church capacity.
The establishment of the church by Christ during His personal ministry.
The perpetuity of the Church from the beginning to eternity.
Missions and Christian education as expressed in the Great Commission.
The personal, bodily and imminent return of Christ to earth.
The reality of Heaven and Hell as described in the scriptures.